- 1940 census, Dexter, Jefferson, NY, fam # 62 - Marshall Donald, rents hi shome, ae 30, 8th grade, born in NY, Saw Room Laborer - Sulphite Mill; Frances, wife, ae 35, 1 yr HS< born in NY; Beverly, saighter, ae 4, born in NY; Gary, son, ae 3.
- GFG # A 1366
- 1940 census, Watertown, Jefferson, NY, (705 Cadwell St) fam # 451 - Pollock Henry, ae 32, 1 yr college, born in NY, relocated from Antwerp, Jefferson, NY, Bookkeeper - Gasoline Distribution Company; Gracem wife, ae 40, 3 yr HS, born in NY, relocated from Antwerp; Frederick, son, ae 1, born in NY.
- 1930 census, Antwerp, Jefferson, NY, fam # 279 - Newin Percy; ... Crook Grace, boarder, ae 30, born in NY, parents born in NY, Bookkeper - Cheese Plant.
- GFG - A
Marriage Notes for Frederick H Pollock and Barbara Elaine Thornton
- Engagement Announcement (Waertown Daily times, NY, Saturday, March 6, 1965)
Philadelphia, March 6. — Mr, and Mrs. Stanley F. Thornton announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Barbara Elaine Thornton, to Frederick H. Pollock, son of Mrs. Grace Lawler and the late Henry Pollock.
Miss Thornton is a graduate of Indian River Central school. Mr. Pollock attended Philadelphia High school and is employed by E. L. Mosher and Sons, Inc.
- GFG # A 1367
- Obituary (Watertown Daily Times, NY, Saturday, March 16, 1974)
Mrs. Letha E. Dellapent, 73, formerly of 421 East Ave., died today in the Syracuse home of her daughter Mrs. Ann Cassler. She had live dwith her daughter for three and one half years.
The funerla will be at 11 a.m. Monday at the Reed and Benoit Funeral Hmes, Rev. Charles S. Williams, former pastor of the First Methodist Church in Watertown, will officiate.
Burial will be in North Watertown Cemetery.
Frinds may call at the funeral home Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.
Surving are her daughter mrs. Casler, theo grandchildren, Joseph and Brian Casler of Syracuse and a sister, Mrs. Verna L. Carris.
She was born March 14, 1901, in Philadelphia, daughter of James E. and Mae Pollock. She atytended Philadelpohia Schools and was graduated from the Dygert Business School there.
She married Joseph C. Dellapent in Brockville, Ont., pn April 30, 1927. The couple lived in Watertown.
Mrs. Dellapent worked for the Onondaga Children's Home, Armour, Inc. and the Watertown Bedding Co.
She was a member of the Watertown Business and Professional Womens's Association and the Philadelphia Methodist Church.
- 1930 census, Watertown, Jefferson, NY, (421 East Avenue) fam # 276 - Dellapent Joseph C, rents his home, owns a radio, ae 33, first married at age 23, born in NY, parents born in Italy, Salesman - Wholesale Meat Packers; Leetha (sic) L, wife, ae 29, married at age 26, born inNY, father born in Canada, mother born in NY, Bookkeeper - Dry Goods Store; each Mildred E, sister-in-law, ae 25, born in NY, Stenographer - Business College.
- 1940 census, Watertown, Jefferson, NY, (421 East Avenue) fam # 141 - Dellapent Jos C, owns his home with a value of $6000, ae 43, 4 yr HS, born in NY, Salesman - Meat; Letha L, ae 39, 4 yr HS, born in NY; Ann Eliz, daughter, ae 5, born in NY.- Obituary (Watertown Daily Times, NY, Tuesday, September 8, 1970)
Joseph Charles Dellapent, 75, retired salesman of the meat-packing firm of Armour & Co. and a veteran of World War I, died suddenly of a heart attack at 8 Sunday morning at his home, 421 East Ave.
Mr. Dellapent had been in his usual good health. He had his breakfast and had returned to bed when he was fatally stricken.
The funeral was held this morning at 11 at the Reed & Benoit Funeral Home. Rev. C. Stanton Williams, Ilion, former pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Watertown, which Mr. Dellapent attended, officiated. Burial was in North Watertown Cemetery.
Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Letha E. Leach Dellapent; a daughter, Mrs. Donald J. (Ann) Casler, Syracuse; two brothers , Anthony M. Dellapent, 932 Franklin St., and Michael Dellapent, Huntington, L.I., and two sisters, Mrs. Anna Hobaugh and Mrs. Floyd (Madeline) Navidonski, both of Savannah, Ga.
Members of the family have requested that tributes be in the form of contributions to either the heart fund or the retarded children's fund of the United Commercial Travelers in Mr. Dellapent's name.
He was born July 28, 1895, at Benson Mines, a son of Charles P. and Saveria Deliapent. The early part of his life was spent at Star, Lake, where he attended school.
He came to Watertown in 1924 and for 36 years thereafter was a salesman for Armour & Co., traveling through Northern New York. He retired ten years ago. He married Miss Letha E. Leach of this city, formerly of Philadelphia, Apri1 30, 1927 in Brockville, Ont.
Mr. Dellapent entered the army for World War I service Feb. 22, 1918, was assigned to Camp Upton, L.I., and soon afterward sent overseas. A private in an infantry unit, he participated in some of the most important engagements of the war, including the Battle of the Argonne, Chateau Thierry and Lorraine, He was wounded Nov. 8, 1918, three days before the
Armistice, when he lost his right index finger as a result of gun shot. He was honorably discharged Feb. 13, 1919 at Camp Upton.
One of its founders and for years its secretary, Mr. Dellapent was for years active in the Black River Valley Beagle Club. He was the owner of Dell's Spec, which won the state derby trials in the 15 inch class for young dogs at Saranac Lake in 1954.
He was a life-member of the Oswegatchie-Fine Lodge, F. & A.M., and a member of Garland Council 238, United Commercial Travelers.
- GFG # A 1370
- 1930 census, Watertown, Jefferson, NY, (522 Bradley Street) fam # 74 - Carris Carson K, rent shis home, owns a radio, ae 25, married at age 24, born inNY, parents born in NY, Teacher - Business College; Virginia (sic), ae 17, married at age 16, born in NY, parents born in NY.
- 1940 census, Watertown, Jefferson, NY, (806 Cooper Street) fam # 207 - Carris Carson K, ae 34, 4 yr HS, born in NY, Bookkeeper - Manufacturer - Plumbing Supplies; Verna L, wife, ae 33, 2 yr HS, born in NY; Dorothy M, daughter, ae 6, born in NY.
- GFG # A 1372
- Where was he during the 1940 census?- Newspaper Article (Watertown Daily Times, NY, Tuesday, December 17, 1819)
The fact that Gerald Pollock, aged five years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Pollock, of 829 Superior street had the croup probably saved his parents and two other persons from asphyxiation by coal gas Sunday night. About 2 Monday morning Mrs. Pollock was awakened by tbe difficult breathing of her son and arose to attend to bim. Immediately upon getfing up she noticed the gas and that her head was aching. She awoke Mr. Pollock and he also was ill while Mrs. Ann Bowles. Mrs. Pollock's mother, was suffering from the effects of the gas, too. Miss C. P. Bowles who was sleeping on the ground floor of the bouse with her window open was not affected by the gas. Dr. Flint was called and attended the family, but all were in such a condition that they were unable to work Monday. Mr. Pollock had dampered his furnace very tight Sunday night, owing to the fact that the weather was so warm, and it is believed that this was responsible for the escape and spread of the gas through the house.
- GFG # A 2001
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- 1920 census, Watertown, (Ward 10) Jefferson, NY, (365 W Lynde) fam # 192 - Wager Raymond J, rents his home, ae 24, born in NY, parents born in NY, ---- - Paper Mill; Katherine M, wife, ae 22, immigrated in 1898, born in Canada, parents born in Canada; Robert D, son, ae 1 4/12, born in NY; Lena, sister, ae 30, born in NY, ---- - Paper Mill.
- 1930 census, Watertown (Dist 69) Jefferson, NY (826 Bradley Street) fam # 87 - Wager Raymond J, owns his hoime with a value of $1000, ae 35, married at age 23, born in NY, parents born in NY, Thermometer Maker - Thermometer Shop; Kathleen M, wife, ae 32, married at age 20, born in NY, parents born in Canada; Robert D, son, ae 11, born in NY; Marie E, daughter, ae 9; Eleanor M, daughter, ae 6; Alma B, daughter, ae 5; Frank J, son, ae 4; Louise M, daughter, ae 9 mo (?)
- 1940 census, Watertown, Jefferson, NY, (826 Bradley) fam # 11 - Wager Raymond, owns his home with a value of $1000, ae 45, 6th grade, born in NY, Contractor - Gear Assembly Shop; Kathleen, wife, ae 42, 8th grade, born in NY; Robert D, son, ae 21, born in NY, - Delivers - Telegraph; Elinor, daughter, ae 16; Alma, daughter, ae 15; Frank, son, ae 14; Louise, daughter, ae 10.
- Burial: October 30, 1948, North Watertown Cemetery, no marker (Dannecker)- Newspaper Article (The Morning Herald, Gloversville and Johnstown, NY, Wednesday, November 3, 1948)
A Watertown man, brother of a former St. Johnsville woman, ended his life in a dramatic manner, last Thursday night, in the home of a relative in Watertown. He was Raymond J. Wager, 54, and his sister, who resided here much of her life, is Mrs. William Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Wager had been estranged since last August, and he had been in Florida, recently. He returned home Thursday night, in his wife's absence, conversed with others who were there, and then drew forth an automatic pistol which he held against his chest and fired.
After an investigation, authorities held it was a suicide. In one of three notes he left, he said he was ending his life "to give my wife her freedom."
He leaves his father; six children, three brothers and the one sister, previously mentioned. A private funeral was held Saturday, in Watertown.
- Cause of Death: colon cancer (Dannecker)
- Obituary (Watertown Daily Times, Tuesday, February 4, 1975)
The funeral for Mrs. Kathleen B. Wager Comins, 77, of 655 Emerson St., widow of Carleton B. Comins, will be Wednesday at 11 a.m. at St. Paul's Church with Rev. Roswell G. Williams, rector, officiating. Burial will be in Brookside Cemetery.
Friends may call at the Northam and Fox Funeral Home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today. A Rebekah service will be held at 7 this evening at the funeral home.
Contributions may be made in her name to St. Paul's Church or to the American Cancer Society. Mrs Comins died at 9:55 a.m. Monday at the House of the Good Samaritan where she had been admitted Jan. 11.
She is survived by two sons, Robert D. Wager, St. Petersburg, Fla., and Frank J. Wager, Watertown: daughters. Mrs. Vern (Marie) Inglasbe, Rochester; Mrs. W. Douglas (Eleanor) Howland, Watertown, Mrs. Alma Martell, Watertown, and Mrs. Howard G. (Louise) Kauffman, Satellite Beach, Fla.. a sister, Mrs. Milton (Helen) Delorme, Rochester. 12 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Born April 24. 1897, at Marlbank, Ont., a daughter of Thomas and Ella Reed Baxter, she moved to Watertown in 1889 and following the death of her mother, resided in Boston. Mass., with relatives. She was graduated from Emerson High School Boston.
She returned to Watertown folloeing her schooling and was employed as a seamstress and fitter at the Christine Shop 20 years.
She was first married to Raymond J. Wager, Sept. 18, 1917. He died Oct. 28, 1948 at the age of 54 years.
On Nov. 27 1967, she was married to Carlton B. Comins, a retired plumber. Mr. Comins, founder of Senior Citizens Dance Band, died Aug. 13, 1973, at the age of 77 years.
She was a member of St. Pau's Church, a past noble grand of Garland Rebekah Lodge, 151, member of the White Shrine, No. 6 O.E.S., Order of the Amaranth, 31, Harmony Circle of the Rebekah Lodge, The Pomona Grange and the Senior Citizens Club.
- GFG - A
- 1940 census, Watertown, Jefferson, NY, (137 East Division) fam # 32 - Wager Clinton, owns his home with a value of $2000, ae 34, 8th grade, born in NY, Laborer - Foundry; Louise, wive, ae 30, 2 yr HS, born in NY; Henry C, son, ae 2, born in NY.
Marriage Notes for Lucinda Wager and John James Carney
- Wedding Announcement (Watertown Daily Times, NY, Saturday, January 20, 1968)
Miss Lucinda Louise Wager, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Clinton F. Wager, 137 East Division street, was married to John James Carney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carney, Groveland, at 11 a.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart church with Rev. George Barnard, assistant pastor, officiating.
Escorted by her father, the bride wore a. floor-length gown of peau de soie with a fitted bodice, bateau neckline trimmed with lace and a bouffant skirt accented with a detachable Watteau train. A head piece of lace petals, crystals and pearls held her elbow-length veil. She carried a colonial bouquet of white orchids and chrysanthemums.
Miss Patricia Riehmann of Kenmore was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were. Miss Mary Carney sister, of the , bridegroom, Miss Darlene Mastipak, Rochester, and Miss Susan Pond. Pamela Wager, Rochester, was junior bridesmaid.
David Whitney, Groveland, was,best man. Ushers were John Wager, brother of the bride, Gerald Carney, Buffalo, and Charles Carney, Pittsburgh, both brothers of the bridegroom.
A reception is being held at the Northside Improvement league. For their trip to Rochester, the bride will wear a blue suit with black accessories.
Mrs. Carney, a 1964 graduate of Watertown High school and a 1966 graduate of Jefferson Community college, is a senior at Geneseo State
University college.
Mr. Carney is a 1964 graduate of Geneseo High school and attended Brockport University college. He is employed at the Craig Colony school and hospital in Sonyea.
- 1900 census, Watertown, Jefferson, NY, fam # 211 - Tilson Thomas C, ... Granger George C, boarder, b. Sep 1887, ae 12, born in NY, parents born in NY; .... [1 of 16 juvenile boarders.
- He resided at 724 Academy, Watertown, NY when he registered for the WWI draft (Jun 5, 1917). He was employed as a steam fitter and listed his wife and child as closest relatives.
- 1920 census, Rochester (Ward 3), Monroe, NY, (149 Comfort street) fam # 126 - Granger Grover C, rents his home, ae 31, born in NY, parents born in NY, Plumber - Plumbing Factory; Ethel, wife, ae 25, born in NY, parents born in NY, Inspector - Knitting Mill; Campbell Norah (sic), mother-in-law, ae 54, born in NY, father born in England, mother born in NY; North Grace, sister-in-law, ae 27, born in NY; Granger Vivian, daughter, ae 7, born in NY; Campbell Daniel, father-in-law, ae 55, born in NY, parents born in Ireland; Thomas, brother-in-law (sic) [uncle-in-law], ae 63, born in NY, Carpenter - Yew York State.
- 1930 census, Indianapolis, Marion, IN, (343 No Colorado Ave) fam # 98 - Granger Grover C, rents his home, owns a radio, ae 42, married at age 26, born inNY, parents born in NY, Commercial Traveler - Drug Equipment; Ethel M, wife, ae 35, married at age 17, born in NY, parents born in NY; Vivian A, daughter, ae 16, born in NY, Sales Lady - Soda Fountain; Floyd A, son, ae 8; Norma C, daughter, ae 3 3/12, born in IN.
- 1940 census, Brownville, Jefferson, NY, fam # 205 - Granger Grover, ae 52, 8th grade, born in NY, family relocated from Rochester, NY, Farmer; Ethel, wife, ae 44, 8th grade, born in NY; Floyd, son, ae 19, 3 yr HS,born in NY, Farm Help; Norma, daughter, ae 13, 6th grade; Kerk (?) Phillip, grandson, ae 9, 1st grade, born in NY.
- Obituary (Watertown Daily Times, NY, Tuesday, Feburary 3, 1914)
DEATHS ... GRANGER - In this city, Feb. 2, 1914, Grover. Infant son of Grover and Ethel Granger, aged 4 weeks.
- 1910 census, Boston, Suffole, MA, (38 Columbia Road) no fam # - Smith Willard J, ae 31, married 4 yr, born in NY, father born in US, mother born in NY, Leather Work; Grace E, wife, ae 27, married 4 yr, born in MI, father born in US, mother born in NY; Karl J, son, ae 2/12, born in MA.
- 1920 census, Rochester (Ward 13), Monroe, NY, (10 Trafalger St) fam # 187 - Smith Willard J, owns his home with a mortgage, ae 40, born in NY, parents born in NY, Banker - Investments; Grace E, wife, ae 36, born in MI, parents born in NY; Karl J, son, ae 9, born in MA; Donald C, son, ae 8, born in NY; Willard C, son, ae 6; Barbara C, daughter, ae 3 2/12; Jay Elizabeth C, boarder, born in NY, parents born in NY.
- 1930 census, Rochester, Monroe, NY, (10 Trafalger Street) fam # 142 - Smith Willliard (sic) J, owns his home with a value of $12,000, owns a radio, ae 51, married at age 27, born in NY, parents born in NY, Investment Banker; Grace E, wife, ae 47, married at age 23, born in MI, parents born in NY; Karl J, son, ae 20, born in MA; Donald C, son, ae 18, born inNY; Willard C, son, ae 16; Barbara C, daughter, ae 13; Smitha Barbara E, mother-in-law, ae 73, widow, married at age 20, brn in NY, parents born in NY.
- 1940 census, Rochester, Monroe, NY, (10 Trafalger St) fam # 12 - Smith Willard J, owns his home with a value of $7000, ae 61, 2 yr college, born in NY, Investmet Councelor - Investment Company; Grace E, wife, ae 56, 4 yr HS, born in MI; Barbara C, daughter, ae 23, 1 yr college, born in NY, Switchboard Operator - Retail and Wholesale Hardware.
- GFG - A
- 1940 census, Rochester, Monroe, NY, (1559 (?) Highland) fam # 324 - Smith Willard C, rents his home, ae 26, 4 yr college, born in NY, Salesman - Retail Optical; Katherine B, wife, ae 26, 4 yr college, born in NY, Slerk - Hospital Coporation.
Marriage Notes for Willard Clark Smith and Katharyn E Becker
- Wedding Announcement (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, NY, Sunday, January 2, 1938)
In a simple ceremony which took place at high noon yesterday in the chapter house of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity on the River Campus of the University of Rochester, Miss Katharyn C. Becker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Becker, Arnett Blvd., became the bride of Willard Clark Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard J. Smith, Trafalgar St.
The ceremony waa performed by the Rev. Gordon W. Mattice, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Mrs; Howard Ireland played the wedding music. White satin ribbons marked the; aisle leading, to the prie dieu, which was placed before the fireplace flanking the prie dien were large baskets, of white chrysanthemums and seven branched candelabra. The fireplace was banked with palms.
Tho bride, who waa given in marriage by her father, was gowned in deep aqua transparent velvet with matching Juliet turban. She carried a colonial bouquet of white roses, gardenias, sweet peas and lilies-of-the-valley.
Miss Betty Becker waa her sister's only attendant. She wore a gown of American beauty transparent velvet and carried a bouquet of white and American beauty roses.
Mr. Smith was beet man for his son, and ushers were Karl J, Smith and Donald C. Smith, Buffalo, brothers of the bridegroom.
Mrs. Becker was gowned in black crepe trimmed with gold and wore a corsage of American Beauty roses, Mrs. Smith chose a gown of stained glass blue with sequin trim and matching accessories and a corsage of American Beauty roses.
Following the rites a wedding breakfast waa served for the immediate families at the Home Dining Room in East Ave. The guests were seated at a long table which was decorated with a large oblong centerpiece flanked with tall white tapers and smail bouquets of white chryanthemums.
Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Smith, Buffalo; Millard J. Noonan, New York; Nell Harris Duffy Palatia; John M. Davis, Germantown, Pa., and John L. Tormey Jr. Madison, Wis.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith are motoring to Quebec. Upon their return they will be at home 1599 (?) Highland Ave.
Mrs. Smith is a graduate ot the University of Rochester, where she was a member of Alpha Sigma sorority. Mr. Smith, who also graduated from the University of Rochester, is a member of Beta Phi chapter, Delta Kappa Epelison fraternity.
- GFG - A
Marriage Notes for Barbara Cornelia Smith and Joseph William McConnell Jr
- Newspaper Article (Livingston County Leader and the Livingston Democrat, Geneseo, NY, Friday, June 20, 1941)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith last Saturday attended two weddings in Rochester. The first was the nuptial ceremony of Mr. Smith's sister, Barbara Cornelia, and Mr. Joseph W. McConnell. The other wedding was that of Miss Anita Jean York to Wm. Freer, whose father is well known in court circles here.
- Obituary (Helena Independent Record, MT, April 1, 2009)
Jerome “Jerry” Anderson of Helena died on Sunday, March 29, 2009, at St. Peter’s Hospital from natural causes. He was surrounded by his daughters, Chris and Tricia, at the time of death. Funeral services will be on Friday, April 3, at 11 a.m. at St. Mary Catholic Community, 1700 Missoula Ave., in Helena, immediately followed by burial services with military honors at Resurrection Cemetery and a reception at Jorgenson’s Restaurant and Lounge, 1720 11th Ave., in Helena.
Jerry, as he was universally known, was a legend in Montana politics, government and law. He was the consummate professional and gentleman, a tireless worker, an excellent host, a legendary storyteller and a very fine lawyer and advocate.
Jerome was born April 13, 1921, in St. Paul, Minn., to parents Albert and Mabel Anderson, who were residents of Glendive at the time. The family later moved to Billings. In 1932, at the age of 11, he was adopted into the Crow Tribe and was made an honorary chief by Crow Tribal Chief Max Big Man. Jerry’s father was an Associate Justice on the Montana Supreme Court, so Jerry grew up in a home filled with politics and law, and knew every key political figure in Montana from Wellington Rankin and Governor John Erickson forward. His father believed in hard work, so Jerry worked in the mine at Norris and in a factory in Chicago during summers in high school.
Jerry attended the University of Montana for his undergraduate and law degrees; his schooling was interrupted in the middle by his service in the War. Jerry was president of the Sigma Chi House at the university, and was student body president at the same time. He graduated from law school and began practicing law in 1948. He served as Chief Deputy County Attorney in Yellowstone County from 1949 to 1952 and as Billings City Attorney in 1953 and 1954. He married the former Margaret Louise Heavlin of Missoula, and together they had three children, Jack, Chris and Tricia. They later divorced. On January 1, 1975, Jerry married Rita Ann Bidlake at a memorable service in Big Sky.
Jerry served in the United States Marine Corps as a torpedo dive bomber pilot in the Pacific in World War II, a fact of which he was extremely proud. Jerry saw over two years of combat against Japan in the Solomon Islands, and then north toward Japan, but he preferred to tell stories about shore leave in Australia or getting his wisdom teeth removed without Novocain by a bike-pedal-driven drill in the jungle. Jerry earned the Distinguished Flying Cross for action during an attack on Rabaul, a major Japanese naval installation. He was honorably discharged from the Marine Corps at the grade of captain in 1945.
Jerry built a very successful legal practice in Billings and became one of the leading transportation law experts in the United States, traveling all over the country to practice before the Interstate Commerce Commission, representing major motor carrier companies. He also worked extensively in the petroleum industry, representing the largest producers of oil in Montana for many years and serving as president of the Montana Petroleum Association.
Jerry served four terms in the Montana House of Representatives from 1955 to 1961, serving as the Republican Majority Leader in the House in 1961. Jerry worked closely with Governor Donald Nutter and later Governor Tim Babcock, and was a close friend of both men. Bad weather forced Jerry to miss the plane flight in 1962 in which Governor Nutter was killed, and he was at the Governor’s Mansion with Mrs. Nutter when the Highway Patrol tracked down Lt. Governor Babcock and brought him to the mansion to be sworn in as governor.
Jerry was actively involved in politics up until his death, and counted among his friends numerous presidents, vice presidents, senators, congressmen and governors. Jerry enjoyed the competition and strategy in politics and the legislature, but also believed a shared drink or a round of golf with his rival at the end of a political battle helped underscore a common thread as fellow Montanans.
In 1988, Jerry sold his interest in his law firm in Billings and moved to Helena to “retire.” But he could not retire. Jerry worked at every Montana legislative session from 1947 to 2009, either as a legislator or as a lobbyist. He started a vaudeville variety show for legislative entertainment in the 1960s that is the precursor to today’s Legislative Attach Party. Jerry’s shows were complete with costumes, dancing secretaries, music and lyrics he wrote himself with the help of a friend who was a Broadway producer. Jerry and his wife Rita were famous for their wild-game dinners that fed up to 250 people in their house each session. The “Jerry Anderson” martini one-half Kettle One vodka, one-half Tanqueray gin, with a twist of lemon and three olives is a legend in its own time.
Jerry’s incredible memory of detail and his sense of humor made him a natural storyteller. He regaled anyone who would listen with tales of past legislative sessions, vacations and business trips around the world, and just a small portion of all the things he did in a long and busy lifetime. Up until the very end, Jerry was hard at work on preparing witnesses for an upcoming trial, reviewing legislative bill drafts and amendments, checking his Blackberry for e-mails and phone messages and participating in conference calls from the hospital. He believed in the future, and was constantly trying to move his clients, his friends and Montana toward a better one.
Jerry will be remembered by his family as an extraordinary role model, looked up to for his integrity and impeccable ethics, respect for the law, wonderful conversations, love of music and poetry and living life to the fullest. We love you dad and grandpa!
He is survived by his wife, Rita of Billings; daughters, Chris Anderson of Billings, and Tricia (Dennis) Halden of Damascus, Ore.; son, Jack Anderson of Meeker, Colo.; stepson, John (Rhonda) Bidlake of Billings; and eight grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a stepson, Douglas Bidlake.
In lieu of flowers, memorials are suggested in his name to the University of Montana School of Law, Missoula, MT 59812-6552. Cards may be sent to the family in care of Retz Funeral Home, 315 East 6th Ave., Helena, MT 59601.
- Suspected to be the person listed here - 1940 census, Missoula, Missoula, MT, (704 Stoddard) fam # 206 - Heavlin M D, rents his home, ae 41, 8th grade, born in MT, Sheet Metal Worker - Tin Roofing Company Store; Lura, wife, ae 34, 2 yr HS, born inMT; Magie Lee, daughter, ae 11, 4th grade, born in MT; Donna, daughter, ae 7, 1st grade. [wife and children relocated from Granite, Montana]
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- 1910 census, Gloversville (Ward 3) Fulton, NY, (22 High Street) fam # 84 - He and his family were living with his in-laws.
- 1920 census, Gloversville (Ward 3), Fulton, NY, fam # 19 - Bellis Asa b Jr, rents his home, ae 41, born inNY, father born in NY, mother born in Ireland, Manager - Glove Shop; Leona, wife, ae 36, born in NY, parents born in NY; William A, son, ae 13, born in NY.
- 1930 census, Gloversville, Fulton, NY, (3 Bellington Ave) fam # 107 - Bellows (sic) Asa, owns his home with a value of $5000, owns a radio, ae 52, married at age 28, born in NY, father born in NY, mother born in Ireland, Proprietor - Leather Store; Lena (sic) wife, ae 46, married at age 22, born in NY, parents born in NY, William A, son, ae 23, born in NY.
- Obituary (The Leader-Herald, Gloversville - Johnstown, NY, Wednesday, November 10, 1971)
Mrs. Leora Bellis, 77, died at 1 yesterday afternoon at the Fulton County Infirmary, where she had been a patient for about one year.
Born in Gloversville Dec; 9, 1893, Mrs. Bellis was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Van Dreser. She was the widow of Asa Bellis, who died in 1954.
A lifelong area resident, she attended city schools. Mrs. Bellis also attended the North Main Street United Methodist Church.
Survivors include one son, William of Gloversville, and two nephews.
Marriage Notes for Asa B Bellis Jr and Leora Van Dresser
- Wedding Announcement (Fulton County Republican, Johnstown, NY, Thursday, March 1, 1906)
A nuptial ceremony noticeable for the wide interest taken in the contracting parties, as well as the brilliancy of the event, was solemnized last week Wednesday at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. William Van Dresser, No. 41 Prospect street, Gloversville, when their daughter, Miss Leora, became the bride of Asa B. Bellis, Jr. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. H. Murdock, pastor of the First M. E. church, and was witnessed by a large number of local and visiting friends. The maid of honor was Miss Jannet Zimmer, while Chas. V. Furness acted as best man. Following the ceremony a sumptuous wedding supper was served and both bride and groom received the hearty congratulations of the assembled guests. Mr. and Mrs. Bellis left that night for their honeymoon, which will be passed in the south, and they will be at home to receive their friends at their future residence. No. 80 Second avenue, Gloversville, after May 1.- 45 Wedding Anniversary (The Morning Herald, Gloversville and Johnstown, NY, Thursday, February 22, 1951)
BLKECKER-Mr. and Mrs. Asa Bellis quietly observed their 45th wedding anniversary at their home Wednesday. There was no special celebration.
They were remembered with cards and gifts from their friends.
- GFG # A 2021
- Obituary (Leader-Herlad, Gloversville-Johnstown, NY, Monday, August 9, 1976)
William Bellis, 69, a former resident of 3 East Eighth Avenue, died at 2:30 Saturday morning at the Fulton County Infirmary, where he had been a patient several years.
He was born Nov. 20,1906, in Gloversville, the son of Asa and Leora Van Dresser Bellis. He was a life long resident of this area.
Survivors include two cousins, Rev. Donald Van Dresser of Williston, Vt, and Alden Van Dresser of Rochester. A graveside service for Mr. Bellis was held at 10 this morning at Propsect Hill Cemetery. Rev. Van Dresser, pastor of the Williston Federated Church, officiated.
"Getman Family Geneology"
1975, Valley Offset, Inc. LOC# 75-18912
- 1900 censua, Chatham, Columbia, NY, (High St) fam # 137 - Mead Sanford C, b. Dec 1872, ae 27, married 1 yr, born in NY, parents born inNY, Car Inspector, rents his home; Anna B, wife, b. Jun 1979, ae 20, married 1 yr, 1 child, 1 living, born in NY, parents born in NY; Dorothy A, daughter, b. Sep 1899, ae 8/12, born in NY.
- 1910 census, Ghent, Putnam, NY, (Hoffman Street) fam # 91 - Mead Sanford C, ae 37, married 11 yr, born in NY, parents born in NY, Shirt Seamer - Shirt Shop, rents his home; Anna B, wife, ae 30, married 11 yr, 2 children, 2 living, born in NY, parents born in NY; Dorothy B, daughter, ae 10, born in NY; Sanford G, son, ae 5/12; Gates Linus, father-in-law, ae 60, widower, born in NY, parents born in NY, Teamster - Truckiing.
- 1920 census, Southeast, Putnam, NY, (North Brewster) fam # 4 - He and his wife were living with his brother-in-law, Walter Gates and his family.
- 1930 census, Chatha, Columbia, NY, (29 High Street) fam # 209 - Mead Sanford C, owns a radio, ae 57, married at age 25, born in NY, parents born in NY, Engine Hostler - Round House, NYC Railroad; Annabel, wife, ae 50, married at age 19, born in NY, parents born in NY; Gates Linus, father [in-law], ae 80, married at age 27, born in NY, parents born in NY; Johnson Anna, sister, owns her home with a value of $2000, ae 64, widow, married at age 23, born in NY, Packet Cutter - Knitting Mill.
- 1940 census, White Plains, Westchester, NY, (20 Harwood Avenue) fam # 59 - Mead Sanford C, ae 67, 8th grade, born in NY, Engine Hostler - NYCRR; Annabel, wife, ae 60, 8th grade, born in NY; (2 lodgers).
- GFG - A
- GFG - A
- Not listed in the 1920 census.